Dotster has been removed from

If a user tries to go to the domain section on the Dotster site, there is a redirect to

Dynadot promo codes for April 2024

$9.49 .COM transfer, promo code SPRINGCOM24
$11.99 .NET transfer, promo code SPRINGNET24

Reduced prices for .NET domain registration (March 2024)

Several registrars have reduced prices for .NET registration. The price dropped from $12 to $3.00. It is unknown how long this promo will last. Prices for .NET domains can be viewed here:

ZNetLive has been removed from

Reseller ZNetLive was removed because it transferred its domain business to another company. Instead, the American ICANN Accredited registrar was added. has been removed from has suspended the registration of new accounts on its website. New users cannot register or transfer their domains to them.

A couple of codes from Porkbun

Update: These promo codes have expired.
$8.73 .APP registration, limit 1 per customer with promo code INVADERAPP
$8.06  .DEV registration, limit 1 per customer with promo code INVADERDEV

.COM promo at Dynadot in January 2024

$7.99 .COM registration, promo code: NEWCOM24
$9.88 .COM transfer, promo code: NEWHOME24
$10.99 .NET transfer, promo code: MOVENET24

Wholesale price for .NET domains will be increased by 99 cents on February 1, 2024

Price will be raised from $9.92 to $10.91 ($0.18 ICANN fee not included).
You can compare prices for .NET domains here:

Best domain registrar 2023

Voting has ended on the namePros forum. The best registrar, as in previous years, was Dynadot.
Below are the winners for 2016 - 2023.

.EU promo at manotori

$1.65 .EU registration, limit 1 per customer, promo code HAPPY2024R
$4.29 .EU transfer, limit 1 per customer, promo code HAPPY2024T
Expected promo to end: 2024-01-14

$2.79 .COM registration at Cosmotown (December, 2023)

Limit 1 per NEW customer. Promo code: COM23T
Cosmotown created this promo code specifically for the site